Online Conversations

August 19, 2007

Licensed to Reincarnate?

Filed under: Uncategorized — lisoosh @ 11:36 am

Newsweek is reporting in its US paper edition the following:

China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission.

Does it get any more ridiculous than trying to legislate what peoples souls do after they die?

The actual reason for this decree is to cut off the influence of the current Dalai Lama and to give Chinese authorites the power to choose the next one. Supposedly the current holder of the title is now promising to reincarnate outside of Tibet.

Another interesting tidbit at the bottom of the article is that in surveys by a Christian non-profit, 25% of US Christians and 10% of Born Again Christians favor reincarnation over other end-of-life options. Which I believe is not a Christian view. But never mind.

1 Comment »

  1. Brilliant! Now what – a government managed queue for reincarnation?

    Personally, I may like this option if it comes with a possible selection of the new form (I would like to stay a carnivore).

    Comment by SnoopyTheGoon — August 20, 2007 @ 3:00 am

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